On 7/11/21 8:49 AM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
On Sunday, 11 July 2021 at 05:20:49 UTC, someone wrote:
mixin template templateUGC (
   alias lstrStructureID
   ) {

   public struct lstrStructureID {

      typeStringUTF whatever;


This creates a struct with teh literal name `lstrStructureID`. Just like any other name. So it is NOT the value of the variable.

   public struct mixin(lstrStructureID) { ... }

because the argument seems to require a complete statement.

Indeed, you'd have to mixin the whole thing like

mixin("public struct " ~ lstrStructureId ~ " { ... } ");

when I've done this kind of stuff, what I usually do is:

struct Thing {
  ... // actual struct

mixin("alias ", lstrStructureID, " = Thing;");

the downside is that the actual struct name symbol will be `Thing`, or whatever you called it. But at least you are not writing lots of code using mixins.


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