On Wednesday, 14 July 2021 at 11:31:36 UTC, Tejas wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 July 2021 at 10:07:38 UTC, wjoe wrote:
I'm want to do something like this
part_int_t!(1,2,3) i;

auto x = -i[0];
--i[1]; // 1
i[1]++; // 2

I think the operator I need to overload would be opIndexUnary which I did.
(1) compiles.
(2) doesn't - the compiler complains that i.opIndex isn't an lvalue and can't be modified. The language spec says that Post in- and decrement are rewritten but something's fishy.
What's going on behind the scene and how can I make it work?

Please check the language spec here:


You can't directly overload the postincrement operator.

You need to rewrite it like:

``` {auto a = i[1] , ++i[1] , a} //note the , not the ;```

Sorry I can't provide something even more concrete.

Ignore this, I wanted to say that this is what the _compiler_ rewrites it to when _you_ write ```i[1]++```

There is no way to explicitly overload the ```post increment``` operator because of this.

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