On 17/07/2021 3:31 AM, Scotpip wrote:
In dub.sdl I see: ```dependency "msgpack-d" version="~>1.0.3"```

In dub.selections.json I see:

     "fileVersion": 1,
     "versions": {
         "msgpack-d": "1.0.3"

Okay, its been added to your dub project. So far so good.

When I try to import the msgpack  into my app.d main file, I get the error:

$ Error: module `msgpack` is in file 'msgpack.d' which cannot be read
   import path[0] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin64\..\..\src\phobos
   import path[1] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin64\..\..\src\druntime\import

This should be in source/app.d

I get similar errors whether I build with dub, dmd or rdmd.

dmd and rdmd do not understand dub packages or anything else. They are the compiler. Only use dub and if you want to change compiler you tell dub this.

The file msgpack.d which the build is searching for doesn't appear to be on my system.

msgpack-d doesn't have a file named msgpack.d. It does have a package.d file inside its msgpack directory which functions as this.

You should find it under %APPDATA%/dub

``$ dub build`` inside of ``myproject`` should work.

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