On Sunday, 18 July 2021 at 01:49:11 UTC, Brian Tiffin wrote:

It's our best hope. Self taught programming is scary. School taught programming is scary. Corporate taught programming is scary. *Practice makes perfect? No, practice makes permanent.*

The sanest path forward for the profession is Peer taught programming, in public.

I am a self-taught programmer well before college, furthermore, I am *almost* a self-taught guy in everything that interests me (albeit the fact that I have a degree in electronics engineering), but I am *not*, in *any way*, ashamed to ask anything no matter the issue, I have no pride when I am asking questions, I am not ashamed to answer no when I don't have the answer, I want to learn, and to teach whenever I feel I have and edge on something.

That being said, one of the things that I felt in love with when I was first exposed to was OOP; with all its pros and cons. OOP made me a far better programmer than I was before. And it was not in college nor anywhere near to, it was on one of my first jobs as a developer at a financial institution which by the time back in the early 90s was using a database manager called FoxPro wich evolved to Visual FoxPro by the time Microsoft bought it and it was fully OOP from top to bottom and was far ahead of similar tools of the era, so far ahead in the language and flexibility and speed that a few years after it was released Microsoft killed it because a lot of companies were doing serious business with it while *not buying* Microsoft's star-database, SQL Server, which obviously was far far expensive.

It was with this tool that I learned primarily to encapsulate everything -and it payed off; code quality using OOP was far superior. These were my humble origins to OOP far away from things like LISP and what-not that I didn't know they even existed. C++ came afterward with all its complexity and 50% of the guys loving it and the other 50% hating it with passion. I don't know of any other language so divisive than C++. And no, I don't love it nor hate it, I respect it, it is powerful, the problem with C++ is that anyone writing code with it feels the need to show you how big has his ... and you came across constructions that seem complex puzzles; so, in practice, unless you have some guidelines cast in stone at company level, you end fighting the language, or more precisely, the ones coding with the language.

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