On 7/23/21 11:11 AM, bachmeier wrote:
I'm writing a D program that interacts with the Todoist API using std.net.curl. It's not a problem to do get requests to query tasks, but I cannot find a way to get post to work to create a new task.

This is a working bash script, where APIKEY is defined elsewhere and $1 and $2 are user input when running the script:

curl "https://api.todoist.com/rest/v1/tasks"; -X POST --data "{"'"'"content"'"'": "'"'"$1"'"'", "'"'"project_id"'"'": $2}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY"

(For obvious reasons I'm not going to provide a working example.) How can I translate this into a post function call within D?

[Todoist API Reference](https://developer.todoist.com/rest/v1/?shell#create-a-new-task)

I haven't used it but isn't it the version of post that takes a dictionary here?


If the Authorization is the problem, I wonder whether addRequestHeader is the solution:



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