
I've been playing with D and trying to understand how to work with @nogc. I must be doing something wrong, because even though I tagged the destructor for my class `@nogc`, I'm getting the following error: `.\min.d(27): Error: "@nogc" function "D main" cannot call non-@nogc function "object.destroy!(true, TestClass).destroy`

import std.stdio : printf;
import core.lifetime : emplace;
import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;

class TestClass {
    int x;

    this(int x) @nogc {
        printf("TestClass's constructor called\n");
        this.x = x;

    ~this() @nogc {
        printf("TestClass's destructor called\n");

@nogc void
main() {
    auto size = __traits(classInstanceSize, TestClass);
    auto memory = malloc(size)[0..size];
    TestClass x = emplace!(TestClass)(memory, 1);

    printf("TestClass.x = %d\n", x.x);



What is the problem here? Should I not call `destroy`? If so, what should I call instead?

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