This is a little wrong D2 program:

void bar(const int data) {
    auto d = data;
    d = data;
void main() {}

With the error message DMD gives it's easy to understand the error and fix it:
test.d(3): Error: variable cannot modify const

This is a similar program that uses a Tuple instead of an int:

import std.typecons;
alias Tuple!(int) Foo;
void bar(const Foo data) {
    auto d = data;
    d = data;
void main() {}

But now the errors given are not so easy to understand:
test.d(5): Error: template std.typecons.Tuple!(int).Tuple.opAssign(R) if 
(isTuple!(R)) does not match any function template declaration
test.d(5): Error: template std.typecons.Tuple!(int).Tuple.opAssign(R) if 
(isTuple!(R)) cannot deduce template function from argument types 

Being that "d" a const Foo struct, that you can never be assigned to, can't DMD 
give a nicer error message, like in the first program?


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