As you can see in the following code I cannot avoid to type the IDs twice in the structureExchanges enum:

public struct structureExchange { /// solely‐intended to help build code at compilation‐time; for client‐code classExchanges should be used instead

   public typeLocation location;
   public dstring ID;
   public dstring name;
   public dstring currencyID;


/// implementation: exchange properties are «almost» immutable; eg: NYSE is (and will always be) on NY, USA trading in USD /// implementation: from the app perspective (think integrity) giving the user read‐only exchange data is a plus … ie: don't mess with this /// implementation: however, would it be possible to dynamically‐load the following enums from a file at compilation‐time ?

public immutable enum structureLocations = [
   r"BUE"d : typeLocation(r"arg"d, r"Buenos Aires"d, r"ART"d),
   r"GRU"d : typeLocation(r"bra"d, r"São Paulo"d, r"BRT"d),
r"HHN"d : typeLocation(r"deu"d, r"Frankfurt am Main"d, r"CET"d),
   r"LHR"d : typeLocation(r"gbr"d, r"London"d, r"UTC"d),
   r"NYC"d : typeLocation(r"usa"d, r"New York"d, r"EST"d)

public immutable enum structureExchanges = [
r"B3"d : structureExchange(structureLocations[r"GRU"d], r"B3"d, r"B3 formerly Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (aka BOVESPA)"d, r"BRL"d), r"BCBA"d : structureExchange(structureLocations[r"BUE"d], r"BCBA"d, r"Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires"d, r"ARS"d), r"LSE"d : structureExchange(structureLocations[r"LHR"d], r"LSE"d, r"London Stock Exchange"d, r"GBP"d), r"NASDAQ"d : structureExchange(structureLocations[r"NYC"d], r"NASDAQ"d, r"National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations"d, r"USD"d), r"NYSE"d : structureExchange(structureLocations[r"NYC"d], r"NYSE"d, r"New York Stock Exchange"d, r"USD"d), r"XETRA"d : structureExchange(structureLocations[r"HHN"d], r"XETRA"d, r"Deutsche Börse"d, r"EUR"d) ]; /// byKeyValue is not available at compile‐time; hence the redundancy of IDs

I attempted to use byKeyValue to get rid of the second set of IDs to no avail; eg:

static foreach(
   structureExchange sudtExchange;
   ) {

   ...  sudtExchange.key
   ...  sudtExchange.value


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