On Monday, 14 June 2021 at 13:31:51 UTC, baby_tiger wrote:
this used work for me, after upgrade I get this error. how to fix it ?

    import std.traits;
            enum LogLevel : ubyte {
                    INFO = 0,

extern (C) string VFORMAT(LogLevel level, string file, size_t line, char[] tmp, bool line_break, string tag, string fmt, ...) @nogc nothrow {
            return null;

template asPure(string P, alias Fn) if (isFunctionPointer!(typeof(&Fn))) {
            enum N = __traits(identifier, Fn);
enum string asPure = "private alias " ~ N ~ "_PURE = " ~ typeof(&Fn).stringof ~ " pure;\n" ~ "__gshared immutable " ~ N ~ "_PURE " ~ P ~"= cast(" ~ N ~ "_PURE) &" ~ N ~ " ;" ;
    enum xx = asPure!("VFORMATP", VFORMAT);

void main(){


reinterpreting cast from `nothrow @nogc extern (C) string(LogLevel level, string file, ulong line, char[] tmp, bool line_break, string tag, string fmt, ...)*` to `pure nothrow @nogc extern (C) string(LogLevel, string, ulong, char[], bool, string, string, ...)*` is not supported in CTFE

int foo(int x)@safe{
    return x;

        This is valid.
        @safe CTFE cast, systemFoo has less restrictive function type.
auto systemFoo = cast(int function(int)@system)&foo;

        UNSAFE CTFE cast, pureFoo has more restrictive function type.
//auto pureFoo = cast(void function(int)pure)&foo;

int function(int)pure pureFoo;

shared static this(){

        This is valid.
        UNSAFE RUNTIME cast.
        pureFoo = cast(int function(int)pure)&foo;

void main(){
        assert(pureFoo(42) == 42);

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