On Mon, Aug 02, 2021 at 04:42:14PM +0000, Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Also slightly off topic, but when would one use an alias instead of a
> function/delegate? I haven't used aliases before.

When you want a compile-time binding that could potentially elide the
indirect function call to a delegate.

        // This generates a specialized template instance with
        // `callback` bound to the passed-in compile-time argument, for
        // each call to `myFunc`.
        auto myFunc(alias callback)(...) { ...  }

        // This is a single common function that receives an opaque
        // runtime delegate and binds it at runtime.
        auto myFunc(int delegate(...) callback, ...) { ...  }


An elephant: A mouse built to government specifications. -- Robert Heinlein

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