On Sunday, 8 August 2021 at 10:40:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I understand your question differently from jfondren. You may be looking for a 'const' (or 'immutable') member:

struct S {
  const int i;

  this(int i) {
// This will work because "first assignment is initialization"
    this.i = i;

void main() {
  auto s = S(42);

  // This won't work
  s.i = 43;

  // This won't work either
  s = S(44);


Hello Again Ali,

Excellent! I had tried (an erroneous) variant of this idea earlier ... but
also failed with my attempt.

I am appreciating very much the example you have provided. I will try this approach as well for the problem I am working on. (Some details on
my path forward remain unclear ...)

Best Regards,

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