On Wednesday, 11 August 2021 at 06:46:34 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Wednesday, 11 August 2021 at 06:29:40 UTC, Tejas wrote:
import std;
void main()
    int[40] staticA;
    auto c = staticA[0..50];//mistake
results in:

core.exception.RangeError@onlineapp.d(5): Range violation
??:? _d_arrayboundsp [0x55db29a0b645]
./onlineapp.d:5 _Dmain [0x55db29a0ae8c]

Is there a way to make this check compile time?

Without modifying the compiler? No.
Please file an enhancement request on issues.dlang.org.
This particular example is an easy fix.


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