On Wednesday, 11 August 2021 at 05:33:06 UTC, Tejas wrote:
On Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 21:19:39 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
On Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 16:00:37 UTC, Tejas wrote:
Basically, what are the subtle gotcha's in the differences between C++ and D code that looks similar

The only gotcha that comes to my mind is that `private` means private to the module in D, not private to the aggregate.

— Bastiaan.

A few others that I know:

When importing one module(say ```m2```) into another (say ```m1```), the symbols of ```m1``` aren't automatically visible in ```m2```. You must import ```m1``` in ```m2``` for that.

How is that different from C++? I think you meant to say that if `m1` imports `m2`, the symbols of `m2` don't automatically become visible by importing `m1`. Indeed you also have to import `m2` for that, *unless* `m1` `public`ly imports `m2`.

You can't just initialize variables willy-nilly in a module, you must do them inside ```static this()```

Or declare them with an initial value. I'm not aware of a rule that requires module level variables to be initialized in `static this()`, but if you require them to be initialized at startup with a value not known at compile time, then that is the place to do it. I don't think you can go about this willy-nilly in C++ either...

Method function pointers don't exist in D, equivalent functionality is achieved by using a delegate that captures the context of a class instantiated object.

To use a function pointer explicitly, you can't just write ```(func)(arguments)```, it is ```(&func)(arguments)```(thank you evilrat)

To take the address of a method (in order to assign it to a delegate) requires `&`, yes, but not when calling the delegate.


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