On 8/12/21 10:08 AM, Learner wrote:
On Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 13:56:17 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 12:10:49 UTC, Learner wrote:

That worked fine, but the codebase is @safe:

cast from `int[]` to `inout(int[])` not allowed in safe code

So copy constructors force me to introduce trusted methods, while that was not necessary with postblits?

A postblit would simply ignore the type qualifier--which can lead to undefined behavior. (Scroll down to the paragraph that begins "An unqualified postblit..." under ["Struct Postblits"][1] in the spec.) The copy constructor merely forces you to be honest about the safety of your code.

In your case, I would recommend encapsulating the unsafe cast in a function like the following:

T[] dupWithQualifiers(T[] array)
    auto copy = array.dup;
    return (() @trusted => cast(T[]) copy)();

You can then use this function in place of `dup` in your copy constructor.

[1]: https://dlang.org/spec/struct.html#struct-postblit

Thank you, now everything is more clear.

A last question, if you do not mind, just to better understand inout. It seems a shortcut to avoid repeating the same function body for mutable, const, and immutable. Why the following code is not equal to the single inout constructor?

     struct A {
         int[] data;

         //this(ref return scope inout A rhs) inout { /*body*/ }

         this(ref return scope           Timestamp rhs) { /*body*/ }
         this(ref return scope const     Timestamp rhs) const { /*body*/ }
        this(ref return scope immutable Timestamp rhs) immutable { /*body*/ }
    Error: Generating an `inout` copy constructor for `struct B` failed, therefore instances of it are uncopyable

Inout is compatible only with inout, and not with the unrolled code it implies?

inout is not like a template. It's a separate qualifier that generates only one function (not 3 unrolled ones).

It's sort of viral like const is viral -- all underlying pieces have to support inout in order for you to write inout functions.


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