I am unsure where to mention this as I am utterly lost as to what the issue is, which I can simply best describe with 2 screenshots. Though I'll first give a short description.

For some reason my debugger is "\<Unable to read memory\>" for one of my variables in one of my unittests. This is however not the case when a random unused variable is inserted in front of it. (For reference I'm building the unittest using something similar to `dub build --build=unittest --config=unittest --force --archType=x86_64`, though the project is a library thus there are some complications: https://github.com/dlang/dub/issues/1856#issuecomment-899022431)

Not readable:

int x = 0;
Mat!(3, 3, float) a = Mat!(3, 3, float)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

Note the x variable is entirely unused while Mat is a struct of a union that is essentially just a 2d array of floats.

I have no more clue where to look as I have no clue what could cause this, am I overlooking something trivial? Thanks in advance.

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