On 8/25/21 10:58 AM, WebFreak001 wrote:

Hm I'm not quite seeing how the error handler is related to an "Expected type interface" that the compiler could expect.

This would be without compiler changes.

Currently with exceptions the scope things are implemented using try-catch-finally, this would be even simpler:

scope(exit) exit();
scope(success) success();
scope(failure) failure();

return something();

lowers to

auto ret = something();
if (ret.isError) failure();
if (!ret.isError) success();
return ret;

for all return statements.

I might be missing some obvious drawbacks here but I think this sounds reasonable and comparable with the try-catch-finally lowering.

It does sound pretty reasonable. But overloading these existing features might make things confusing.

As Paul Backus suggested the compiler could check if the return type has for example `is(typeof(return.isError) : bool)` and maybe also if the function is `nothrow`.

Another approach is to let the compiler deal with the error handling and not muddy your return type. Swift does something similar, where it rewrites the throw/catch into a standard return and doesn't do actual thrown exceptions. There are some caveats, but if we could fit this kind of error handling into mostly-similar syntax (i.e. the same ease of exceptions without the actual problems that exceptions and stack unwinding bring), it might make things much easier to transition.


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