On Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 16:28:22 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 16:16:55 UTC, DLearner wrote:
Please confirm that mixins of format:

You really shouldn't use string mixins like this at all. If you want to work with a variable, pass the variable itself as an argument to the function and use it with regular code instead of passing names as strings.

void do_something(alias v)() {
   // use v like a normal variable

int a;
do_someting!a; // pass the variable a as an alias so you can use it inside

Thank you for your suggestion.
For the record, the code below behaves as expected.
void main() {

   int  VarInt;
   int* VarIntPtr;
   double VarDbl;


void do_something(alias v)() {

   import std.stdio;

   if (typeof(v).stringof == "int" ) {

      writeln("int var detected");
   } else if (typeof(v).stringof == "int*") {

      writeln("int* var detected");
   } else {

      writeln("Unrecognised type");

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