On Friday, 27 August 2021 at 13:33:25 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Friday, 27 August 2021 at 13:21:04 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
I have a Raylib project on Windows using DUB. I've added raylib-d via `dub add`. But what I can't figure out is how to tell DUB to link against raylib library.

I have the following project structure:
-> source
---> app.d
-> libraylib.a
-> raylib.dll
-> etc...

I'd like to use either .a or .dll. Do you have any ideas?

raylib.a isn't going to get you anywhere. You'll run into issues mixing MinGW-compiled libraries.

If raylib doesn't ship precompiled VS binaries, then, assuming you have Visual Studio (or the MS Build tools) installed, you should compile Raylib with that same version. Then you'll have a new raylib.dll and a raylib.lib. Add raylib.lib to your dub config via the "libs" directive.

I have downloaded the pre-compiled binaries from the official [Raylib ](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/releases/tag/3.7.0) repo.

I'm not using Visual Studio. Only dub and a text editor.

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