On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 14:06:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

The generation of code to output the page depends on the diet file format (i.e. code islands are designated by the leading `-`).

However, vibe-d does not require using the diet template system.

Does that means I can still get the code islands resolved on a, say, plain-XHTML file ?

Or does that means that I should output HTML/XHTML from my own functions instead ?

There are others which probably do what you want (search on code.dlang.org), but I'm a huge fan of diet templates (I actually prefer writing non-template html that way), so I don't have any experience with others.

https://yuraiweb.org/ as pointed by another user seems something I probably want to give it a try -it still relies on vibe.d but switched to plain HTML with its own code-islands more-or-less a-la ASP.net ... although it is still a work-in-progress.

Given how templating systems work (and how D allows strings to be used as code using mixins), it's likely pretty trivial to write a simple templating system to do this. All you need is an escape protocol that is unlikely to appear in HTML, and you can probably get away with a 10 line function that doesn't need to actually parse the HTML.

Probably. Bit I am not a huge fan of modifying libraries for minor functionality fixes (unless is really really necessary). For whatever reasons I already have custom nginx builds etc etc so I do not want to keep tracking and fixing more software -in the end is a pain-in-the-ass.

However, I think vibe.d perhaps ought to provide a switch/flag to enable/disable DIET constructs on source files (views) resolving its code islands. Or more straightforward, if the requested file already has another extension other than the one used by DIET files just resolve the code-islands and be with it. No client-side code changes -business as usual. Or use another directory other than /views/ for bare files without DIET syntax. Just thinking ... what do you think ?


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