On 9/2/21 1:17 PM, DLearner wrote:

I am looking for a mutable Arr but would like an immutable ArrPtr.

Then you want const not immutable.

Here is the reason:

void main()
    int x = 5;
    immutable int *ptr = cast(immutable int *)&x;
    assert(*ptr == 5); // ok
    x = 6;
    assert(*ptr == 5); // what happens here?

Depending on optimizations and compiler constant folding, that second assert may pass.

immutable means "I can never change and *everything I point at* can never change". The compiler is free to use this knowledge to avoid redoing calculations it has already done. I tknows that `*ptr == 5` already, and that can never change, so it just doesn't even bother with the second assert.

However, make ptr *const*, and now not only do you not need the cast, but the second assert will fail as expected.

`Arr` is not immutable, so `ArrPtr` shouldn't point at it if it's immutable.
Surely there is no inconsistency - at run time the array is in a fixed place,  so ArrPtr is (or at least should be) a constant, but the contents of the array
can vary as the program runs.

In D, const and immutable are transitive, which means that you can't have a pointer that is const, but allows changing what it points at. So while a const pointer *may* work for your purposes, you may want a specialized type, or a property function. It depends on how you intend to use `ArrPtr`. Others have given good answers to this problem.


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