On Saturday, 4 September 2021 at 15:41:51 UTC, eXodiquas wrote:
Hello everyone,

I created a small little D program that reads in a string from the command line and shuffles the letters of the nouns a bit around. This is pretty straight forward, but what I see now happening is a bit strange, at least for me.

I am reading the args out of the main function arguments.

void main(string[] args) {

this works fine whenever I call the program like `./nounscramble "Hello, my name is Earl!"` the string shows up in `args[1]`. But when I call `echo "Hello, my name is Earl!" | ./nounscramble` it does not show up in the args array, the only thing showing up is the name of the executable (which is expected).

My question is now, can someone explain what I am doing wrong? Maybe I misunderstood the pipe in Linux systems and it is obvious for someone who knows how this works exactly, or maybe D works differently with pipes and I havn't found the correct documentation.

Thanks in advance. :)


to extend on Brian Tiffin's reply, you can read from the standard input stream (the data piped to your program) using std.stdio's `stdin`


import std.stdio;
foreach (line; stdin.byLine)
    writeln("got input line: ", line);
// IMPORTANT: the line buffer is reused (it's a char[], not a string), so if you want to store it in a variable outside the foreach, use .idup to make it a string (that is not changed when leaving the loop)


import std.stdio;
foreach (chunk; stdin.byChunk(1024))
    writeln("got input chunk: ", cast(char[])chunk);
// same warning as above, don't case to string (that's unsafe and wouldn't be allowed in @safe code, but casting to char[] is safe, as it explicitly says it can be changed)


import std.stdio;
ubyte[1024] buffer;
auto part = cast(char[])stdin.rawRead(buffer[]);
writeln("got part: ", part);
// this is the lower level equivalent of the byChunk above, it's just doing a single step instead of multiple chunks, so you control when it is changed. // a slice of this buffer (which is what the return value is) needs to be .idup'd to be persisted outside the lifetime of the `buffer` variable

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