On Friday, 10 September 2021 at 10:39:48 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
On Friday, 10 September 2021 at 09:27:49 UTC, eugene wrote:
Here is test program (which is using DList aggressively)
Can this (really unwanted) behavior be disabled in DMD?
I do not want to have multiple threads,
a program (real program, not the test above) has to be single-threaded.

system used:
@dexp ~ $ cat /etc/debian_version

most recent dmd has a GC that collect in threads. it can be tuned but I dont find the documentation for this right now.

Here's the specific change:


GC now marks the heap with multiple threads

The garbage collector now uses available CPU cores to mark the heap faster. This reduces pause times for a collection considerably.

By default, the GC uses all available logical cores of your CPU. This might affect your application if it has threads that are not suspended during the mark phase of the collection. You can configure the number of additional threads used for marking by DRT option parallel to the GC configuration, e.g. by passing --DRT-gcopt=parallel:2 on the command line. A value of 0 disables parallel marking completely.

As usual, you can also embed the configuration into the application by redefining rt_options, e.g.

extern(C) __gshared string[] rt_options = [ "gcopt=parallel:0" ];


So for OP what you want to use is:


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