On Monday, 27 September 2021 at 14:54:41 UTC, Alexey wrote:
hello. here I have some code sample.
consequently, If I want C3 to inherit form C2, I'll have to forward template to from C1 to C2 by hand:
```D import std.stdio; class C1 { void writetext() { this.writetext!(typeof(this))(); } void writetext(alias A1)() { writeln("C1 writetext(alias A1) ", this); } } class C2 : C1 { override void writetext() { this.writetext!(typeof(this))(); } void writetext(alias A1)() { super.writetext!(A1)(); } } class C3 : C2 { override void writetext() { super.writetext!(typeof(this))(); } } void main() { auto c3 = new C3; c3.writetext(); } ```