On Thursday, 30 September 2021 at 18:09:46 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
I write this post as both a learning tool, a question and an inquiry.

There are just a lot of drawbacks in trying to do function exporting while using D.

The terms that people use are a bit sloppy. There are three kinds of 'linking' here:

1. static linking, performed during compilation, once. If linking fails, the compile files. 2. dynamic linking (option 1), performed when an executable starts up, before your program gains control, by the system linker. If linking fails, your program never gets control. 3. dynamic linking (option 2), performed arbitrarily at runtime, by your program. If linking fails, you can do whatever you want about that.

All of the loadSymbol and 'userdata module' hassle that you're frustrated by is from option 2. Option 1 is really the normal way to link large shared libraries and there's nothing to it. What your code looks like that loads a shared library is just `import biglib;`, and the rest of the work is in dub, pkg-config, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, etc. Phobos is commonly linked in this way.

Pretty much anything that isn't a plugin in a plugin directory can use option 1 instead of option 2.

extern(C) advantages:

- Code callable from any language as it is absolutely intuitive
- Well documented

You can call scalding water 'hot' even when you're fresh from observing a lava flow. People still find the C ABI frustrating in a lot of ways, and especially when they encounter it for the first time.

But the C ABI rules the world right now, yes. The real advantages are

- it 'never' changes
- 'everyone' already makes it easy to use

extern(C) disadvantages:

- You will need to declare your function pointer as extern(C) or it will swap the arguments order.

- you're limited to using C's types
- you can't use overloading, lazy parameters, default values; you can't rely on scope parameters, etc., etc. - you can't casually hand over GC-allocated data and expect the other side to handle it right, or structs with lifetime functions that you expect to be called - very little of importance is statically checked: to use a C ABI right you need to very carefully read documentation that needs to exist to even know who is expected to clean up a pointer and how, how large buffers should be. (I wasn't feeling a lot of the C ABI's "absolute intuitiveness" when I was passing libpcre an ovector sized to the number of pairs I wanted back rather than the correct number of `pairs*3/2`)

Option 2 dynamic linking of D libraries sounds pretty frustrating. Even with a plugin architecture, maybe I'd prefer just recompiling the application each time the plugins change to retain option 1 dynamic linking. Using a C ABI instead is a good idea if just to play nice with other languages.

And if you were wanting something like untrusted plugins, a way to respond to a segfault in a plugin, like I think you mentioned in Discord, then I'd still suggest not linking at all but having separate applications and some form of interprocess communication (pipes, unix sockets, TCP sockets) instead of function calls. This is something that you could design, or with D's reflection, generate code for against the function calls you already have. But this is even more work that you'll have to do. If we add "a separate process telling you what to do with some kind of protocol" as a fourth kind of linking, then the respective effort is

1. free! it compiles, it's probably good!
2. free! if the program starts, it's probably good!
3. wow, why don't you just write your own loadSymbol DSL?
4. wow, why don't you just reimplement Erlang/OTP and call it std.distributed? maybe protobufs will be enough.

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