On Monday, 25 October 2021 at 14:43:06 UTC, Willem wrote:
Just starting out new with D. Up until now I have been using Python and a bit of OCaml.

Error when linking: "lld-link: error: could not open 'libcmt.lib': no such file or directory"

What I did: I installed the complete D setup in my Windows 10 PC -- including VS 2019.

From the command line "C:\D\dmd2vars64.bat" I was able to creating a simple program with "dub init hello"

When executing it with "dub run hello" I get following error:

"lld-link: error: could not open 'libcmt.lib': no such file or directory"

However -- running "dub run --arch=x86" did work

dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.098.0-dirty

dub --version
DUB version 1.27.0, built on Oct 10 2021

Searching the forum it appear to be related to MS runtimes... but I have not yet been able to resolve it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks.

C++ runtime needs to be installed I believe.

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