On Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 10:41:05 UTC, Rumbu wrote:

#line IntegerLiteral Filespec? EndOfLine

Having EndOfLine at the end means for me that there are no other EOLs between, otherwise this syntax should pass but it's not (DMD last):

#line 12

The lexical grammar section starts with:

The source text is decoded from its source representation into Unicode Characters. The Characters are further divided into: WhiteSpace, EndOfLine, Comments, SpecialTokenSequences, and Tokens, with the source terminated by an EndOfFile.

What it's failing to mention is how in the lexical grammar rules, spaces denote 'immediate concatenation' of the characters/rules before and after it, e.g.:
    DecimalDigit DecimalDigits
`3 1  4` is not a single `IntegerLiteral`, it needs to be `314`.

Now in the parsing grammar, it should mention that spaces denote immediate concatenation of *Tokens*, with arbitrary *Comments* and *WhiteSpace* inbetween. So the rule:
    @ nogc
Means: an @ token, followed by arbitrary comments and whitespace, followed by an identifier token that equals "nogc". That explains your first example.

Regarding this lexical rule:
#line IntegerLiteral Filespec? EndOfLine
This is wrong already from a lexical standpoint, it would suggest a SpecialTokenSequence looks like this:

The implementation actually looks for a # token, skips *WhiteSpace* and *Comment*s, looks for an identifier token ("line"), and then it goes into a custom loop that allows separation by *WhiteSpace* but not *Comment*, and also the first '\n' will be assumed to be the final *EndOfLine*, which is why this fails:
#line 12
It thinks it's done after "12".

In conclusion the specification should:
- define the notation used in lexical / parsing grammar blocks
- clearly distinguish lexical / parsing blocks
- fix up the `SpecialTokenSequence` definition (and maybe change dmd as well)

By the way, the parsing grammar defines:
C++ and Objective-C cannot be single tokens currently, so they are actually 2/3, which is why these are allowed:

void f() {}

void g() {}
This should also be fixed in the spec.

I am not asking this questions out of thin air, I am trying to write a conforming lexer and this is one of the ambiguities.

That's cool! Are you writing an editor plugin?

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