On Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 05:01:41PM +0000, Amit via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Hi!
> I wrote a text parser that takes a File argument and parses that
> file's contents. Now I would like to write a unit-test for that
> parser. I need a File (or a general IO interface) that reads from an
> in-memory buffer, similar to python's `StringIO` or go's
> `strings.Reader`.
> How can I achieve that?
> Example of what I have in mind:
> ```d
> unittest {
>     string fakeContents = "foo\nbar\nbaz";
>     File f = createFileFromString(fakeContents);
>     assert(myParse(f) == MyParsedObject(...));
> }
> ```

It's very easy, just have your text parser take File as a template
argument, defaulted to std.file.File, that your unittest(s) can override
with a custom type containing the needed methods. For example:

        auto myParser(File = std.stdio.File)(File input) {
                ... // read input as usual

        unittest {
                struct FakeFile {
                        string contents = "...";
                        void[] rawRead(void[] buf) {
                                ... // simulate a file read here
                        ... // add whatever other File methods you might need 
                FakeFile f;
                auto output = myParser(f);

        void main() {
                auto input = File("...", "r");
                auto output = myParser(input); // `File` defaults to 


"A man's wife has more power over him than the state has." -- Ralph Emerson

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