On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 08:50:09 UTC, Bagomot wrote:
Good day! I keep giving rise to problems.
Above, Tejas helped me a lot, but still doesn't work.
I gave up using the fswatch library, thinking that the problem was in it.
Now trying to do it using libasync.

Here is the code that runs on the main thread, it blocks further actions on that thread.
#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
        dependency "libasync" version="~>0.8.6"

import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.algorithm;
import core.thread;
import std.concurrency;

import libasync;
import libasync.watcher;
import libasync.threads;

void main() {

        string testDir = "temp";
        if (!testDir.exists)

        Guard guard = Guard.getInstance;
        guard.addWatchedDir(testDir, false);

        writeln("Some kind of action...");

class Guard {
        private {
                __gshared Guard instance;
                static EventLoop eventLoop;
                WatchedDir[] watchedDirs;

        protected this() {
                this.eventLoop = getThreadEventLoop();

        shared static ~this() {

        public static Guard getInstance() {
                if (!instance) {
                        synchronized (Guard.classinfo) {
                                if (!instance)
                                        instance = new Guard;

                return instance;

        public void run() {
                while (eventLoop.loop()) {

public void addWatchedDir(string dir, bool recursive = true, string[] exclude = [
                ]) {
                if (this.watchedDirs.canFind!(a => a.dir == dir))

                this.watchedDirs ~= new WatchedDir(dir, recursive, exclude);

        class WatchedDir {
                private {
                        string dir;
                        bool recursive;
                        string[] exclude;
                        AsyncDirectoryWatcher watcher;
                        DWChangeInfo[8] changeBuf;

                this(string dir, bool recursive, string[] exclude) {
                        this.dir = dir;
                        this.recursive = recursive;
                        this.exclude = exclude;
                        this.watcher = new AsyncDirectoryWatcher(eventLoop);

                                DWChangeInfo[] changes = changeBuf[];
                                uint cnt;

                                do {
                                        cnt = this.watcher.readChanges(changes);
                                        foreach (i; 0 .. cnt) {
writeln("Main Callback got directory event: ", changes[i]);
                                while (cnt > 0);
this.watcher.watchDir(this.dir, DWFileEvent.ALL, this.recursive);
If I change the run method of the Guard class so that it starts a new thread, the program just does nothing:
public void run() {
        spawn((shared EventLoop eventLoop) {
                while ((cast() eventLoop).loop()) {
        }, cast(shared) this.eventLoop);
Why? What am I doing wrong?


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