On Sunday, 16 January 2022 at 18:03:53 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Sunday, 16 January 2022 at 15:15:07 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
Is there some way to throw a stack trace when killing the program from the CTRL+C from the terminal?

It would help a lot into debugging occasional infinity loops

On POSIX, you can use the `sigaction` function to install a signal handler for `SIGINT`, the signal generated by CTRL+C. To terminate the program with a stack trace, simply have the signal handler `throw` an `Error`.

Here's an example program that demonstrates the technique:

import core.sys.posix.signal;

extern(C) void handleCtrlC(int)
        throw new Error("Killed by CTRL+C");

void main()
        sigaction_t act = { sa_handler: &handleCtrlC };
        int errcode = sigaction(SIGINT, &act, null);

        f(); // call some functions

void f() { g(); }

void g() { h(); }

void h()
        while (1) {} // wait for ctrl+c


Make sure to compile with the `-g` option if you want your stack trace to have filenames and line numbers.

import std.stdio;

    import core.sys.posix.signal;
    extern(C) void handleCtrlC(int)
        throw new Error("Killed by CTRL+C");

    bool setupSignal()
        sigaction_t act = {sa_handler: &handleCtrlC};
        int errCode = sigaction(SIGINT, &act, null);
        return errCode == 0;
else version(Windows)
    import core.sys.windows.windef;
    import core.sys.windows.wincon;
    extern(Windows) BOOL handleCtrlC(DWORD dwType)
            case CTRL_C_EVENT:
                throw new Error("Killed by CTRL+C");
            case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
                throw new Error("Killed by break");
                throw new Error("Killed by unknown event");
        return TRUE;
    bool setupSignal()
return SetConsoleCtrlHandler(cast(PHANDLER_ROUTINE)&handleCtrlC, TRUE) == TRUE;
else{bool setupSignal(){return false;}}

void a(){b();}
void b(){c();}
void c(){for(;;){}}

void main(string[] args)
        writeln("Could not setup signal, exiting.");

This is my current solution. The problem is that on Windows, it actually has the stack trace:

0x76909A63 in CtrlRoutine 0x76BD6359 in BaseThreadInitThunk 0x76FF7B74 in RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath 0x76FF7B44 in RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath

If I throw that error on the Ctrl, it actually shows a message box:

`The exception unknown software exception (0xe04400001) occurred in the application at location: ...`

Maybe there is some specific formatting for throwing exceptions to Windows recognize it?

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