On 1/19/22 13:59, forkit wrote:

> void createBoolMatrix(ref uint[][] m)
> {
>      auto rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed);

That works but would be unnecessarily slow and be against the idea of random number generators. The usual approach is, once you have a randomized sequence, you just continue using it. For example, I move rnd to module scope and initialize it once.

Random rnd;

shared static this() {
  rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed);

auto randomValue() {
  return cast(uint)rnd.dice(0.6, 1.4);

// Returning a dynamically allocated array looks expensive
// here. Why not use a struct or std.typecons.Tuple instead?
auto randomTuple() {
  return [ randomValue(), randomValue() ];

void createBoolMatrix(ref uint[][] m, size_t count)
  import std.algorithm : map;
  import std.range : iota;
  m = count.iota.map!(i => randomTuple()).array;


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