On 1/21/22 08:58, Salih Dincer wrote:

> ```d
> auto inclusiveRange(T)(T f, T l, T s = cast(T)0)
> in(!isBoolean!T) {

'in' contracts are checked at runtime. The one above does not make sense because you already disallow compilation for 'bool' below.

You could add a template constraint there:

auto inclusiveRange(T)(T f, T l, T s = cast(T)0)
if(!isBoolean!T) {

(Note 'if' vs. 'in'.)

However, people who instantiate the struct template directly would bypass that check anyway.

>    static assert(!isBoolean!T, "\n
>        Cannot be used with bool type\n");
>    if(!s) s++;
>    return InclusiveRange!T(f, l, s);
> }

>    bool opBinaryRight(string op:"in")(T rhs) {
>      foreach(r; this) {
>        if(r == rhs) return true;
>      }
>      return false;
>    }

Ouch! I tried the following code, my laptop got very hot, it's been centuries, and it's still running! :p

  auto looong = inclusiveRange(ulong.min, ulong.max);
  foreach (l; looong) {
    assert(l in looong);

>    size_t length() inout {
>      auto len = 1 + (last - first) / step;
>      return cast(size_t)len;
>    }

Does that not return 1 for an empty range?

Additionally, just because we *provide* a step, now we *require* division from all types (making it very cumbersome for user-defined types).

>    // Pi Number Test
>    auto GregorySeries = inclusiveRange!double(1, 0x1.0p+27, 2);

Very smart! ;) So, this type can support floating point values if we use that syntax.


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