While studying Ali's book at chapter "Constructor and Other Special Functions" and the below code snippet:

import std.stdio;

    struct S {
        this(int i) { writeln("an object"); }

        // Original
        //this(int i) const { writeln("a const object"); }
//this(int i) immutable { writeln("an immutable object"); }
        //this(int i) shared { writeln("a shared object"); }

        const this(int i) { writeln("a const object"); }
        immutable this(int i) { writeln("an immutable object"); }
        shared this(int i) { writeln("a shared object"); }

    void main() {
        auto m = S(1);
        auto c = const(S)(2);
        auto i = immutable(S)(3);
        auto s = shared(S)(4);

Assuming I can speak in correct programmer-ese: I was wondering why the qualifiers were placed after the function parameter list (int i). Just for fun, I moved to type qualifiers before the function definitions "this" (like a return type?) and the output was exactly identical. So I guess my question is, is this just a matter of esthetics or is some more nuanced goal at work here?

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