On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 17:06:06 UTC, Remi Thebault wrote:
On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 12:01:14 UTC, max haughton wrote:

Getting the UDAs from inside a symbol must be done via a recursive procedure in the same manner one would identify the aforementioned symbol i.e. you have to go through the fields looking for UDAs *then* use getUDAs.

This is because UDAs cannot convey information without their context, so the trait doesn't look recursively.

I don't need to get access to the UDA value, I need the value of the field decorated with UDA. Finally I can get access to the member using `__traits(getMember, req, paramSymbols[0].stringof)`.

I see, my apologies. FYI if possible you should avoid using stringof because it's basically only intended for debugging so isn't always consistent - this is what __traits(identifier) is for

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