On Saturday, 5 March 2022 at 15:30:19 UTC, M wrote:
On Saturday, 5 March 2022 at 15:12:35 UTC, M wrote:


I've created a directory bcm2835. Then within source/bcm2835 I have bcm2835.d.

I run dub build, and file called libbcm2835.a gets built.

I type
        dub list

and  it reports

    Packages present in the system and known to dub:
    bcm2835 ~master: /home/pi/repos/cerbo/dsp/dlang/bcm2835/

So, some kind of success, presumably.

So then, in the app I want to build, I type

      dub add bcm2835

but it says

     Could not find package 'bcm2835'.

So, dunno, any ideas?

So I tried and I agree it's not intuitive.

Once you've created a package `bcm2835` with `dub init`, you can add it to the local registry with `dub add-local /path/to/bcm2835`.

Registered package: bcm2835 (version: ~master)

This you already did, presumably, or something to the same effect.

Packages present in the system and known to dub:
  bcm2835 ~master: /home/wob/src/test/bcm2835/

Then you can add it to your `dub.sdl`/`dub.json` as a dependency with `dub add` *if and only if* you also specify a version. Else it will look it up in the online registry, find nothing, and fail. The help text in `dub add --help` briefly mentions it.

$ dub add bcm2835@"*"
Adding dependency bcm2835 >=0.0.0

$ dub build
Performing "debug" build using /usr/bin/dmd for x86_64.
bcm2835 ~master: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
test ~master: building configuration "application"...
To force a rebuild of up-to-date targets, run again with --force.

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