On Monday, 11 April 2022 at 12:12:39 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
It worked for me in a different way.

1 is (about to be) alive!
2 is (already) dead.
2 is (already) dead.
2 is (already) dead.

2 is (already) dead.
2 is (already) dead.
Hello D!
1 is (already) dead.

Because I changed the code like this.


struct S
  . . .

  string toString() { return ""; }

//S test(inout S s)/*
S test(S s)//*/
  s.i = 2;
  return s;

void main()
  immutable s = S(1);
  "Hello".writefln!"%s D!";

If the inout is set, it does not allow compilation.

Because `S` does not contain any pointers or references, you are allowed to create a mutable *copy* of an `S` from an `immutable` source. That's what happens when you pass it to `test`.

The extra destructor calls come from the copies made by `test` and `writeln`. If you add a copy constructor, you can see this happening in the output:

struct S {

    /* ... */

    this(ref inout typeof(this) other) inout {
        this.i = other.i;
        writeln(i, " was copied.");

1 is (about to be) alive!
1 was copied.
2 was copied.
2 is (already) dead.
2 was copied.
2 was copied.
2 was copied.
2 is (already) dead.
2 is (already) dead.

2 is (already) dead.
2 is (already) dead.
Hello D!
1 is (already) dead.

1 constructor call + 5 copies = 6 destructor calls.

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