On 4/25/22 03:48, Salih Dincer wrote:

> It is also possible with the copy constructor of a struct. I don't know
> how to do with class...

Classes don't have language provided construction because nobody needs it and in fact they have to protect themselves when a language provides it. (See, e.g. C++'s slicing problem: https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#Rc-copy-virtual ) [1]

In case you want to copy a class object, you must provide a function yourself, which may be called anything you want or 'dup' to match with a name used by D.


Off-topic rant: It frustrates me when C++ programmers shun D because it is "a language with reference types" as told to me by a well-known C++ speaker. I guess they should attempt to read C++'s core guidelines to understand how a polymorphic class makes it an accident to pass its objects by value.

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