
I want to make a SAX XML parser in D that I could both use at run-time or compile-time.

Also when I use it at compile-time, I would like to use BetterC so I don't have to link D-runtime.

But I have some compilation problems. I use GDC (GCC 9.4.0).

Here's a reduced sample code:

struct Data
    int[] digits;

int parseDigit(char c) pure
    return c - '0';

Data parse(string str) pure
    Data data;

    while (str.length != 0)
        // Skip spaces
        while (str[0] == ' ')
            str = str[1 .. $];

        // Parse single digit integer
        data.digits ~= parseDigit(str[0]);

        // Consume digit
        str = str[1 .. $];

    return data;

enum Data parsedData = parse("5 4 2 6 9");

extern(C) int main()
    pragma(msg, "First digit=", parsedData.digits[0]);
    return 0;

If I compile and link against D-runtime, it works:
$ gcc test.d -lgdruntime -o test
First digit=5

If I compile with BetterC (no D-runtime for GDC), I get a compilation error about RTTI:
$ gcc test.d -fno-druntime -o test
test.d: In function ‘parse’:
test.d:25:21: error: ‘object.TypeInfo’ cannot be used with -fno-rtti
   25 |         data.digits ~= parseDigit(str[0]);
      |                     ^

If I compile without the BetterC switch, compilation actually works but I'll have some linker issues:
$ gcc test.d -o test
First digit=5
/tmp/ccuPwjdv.o : In function « _D5test5parseFNaAyaZS5test4Data » :
test.d:(.text+0x137) : undefined reference to « _d_arraybounds »
test.d:(.text+0x183) : undefined reference to « _d_arraybounds »


The operation requiring the D-runtime is appending the array, but it should **only** be done at compile-time.

I don't understand why it requires to link against the D-runtime whereas it only needs it at compilation-time (and the compilation and CTFE interpretation works, as we can see in the last example).

Is there a way to force the compiler to not emit any object ode for those functions?

Or am I missing something?



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