On Tuesday, 26 April 2022 at 21:33:43 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
I swear I asked something like this before years ago but it doesn't show up in my previous forum posts.

I'm looking for a construct that mimics using(var)/with(var)

bitmap* b;

draw_pixel(red, 16, 16); //draw red pixel to bitmap b (b is implied above)

But the code ends up being:
bitmap* b;

set_target_bitmap(b); //entry code
draw_pixel(red, 16, 16); // body
set_target_bitmap(original_target); // exit code

The essence is wrapping something the code up in a kind of RAII-like entry and exit code that references a given target variable.

Perhaps a mixin is what I'm looking for?

assuming `set_target_bitmap` returns the previous target :

struct Bitmap

struct PushPopBitmap
    Bitmap* bitmap;
    Bitmap* old;
    alias bitmap this;

    this(Bitmap* bmp) {
        old = set_target_bitmap(bitmap = bmp);

    ~this() {

Bitmap* set_target_bitmap(Bitmap* bmp);
void draw_pixel();

void main()
    Bitmap* bmp;
    with (PushPopBitmap(bmp)) draw_pixel();

At the end of the WithStatement block that restores the previous context.

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