On Thursday, 28 April 2022 at 11:22:15 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:
Are there any methods to get the screen resolution?

Call DisplayWidth/DisplayHeight on the X connection... my simpledisplay.d provides bindings (though not a high level helper function since both X and Windows calls are trivial)

On C/C++ from under X11, it is not possible to do this on the command line via SSH, since the display is not defined.

Just defined the display, that's easy.

import std.process;
enviornment["DISPLAY"] = ":0";

that can work with any lib, then connect.

OR, with my lib, it is all included:

import arsd.simpledisplay;

XDisplayConnection.setDisplayName(":0"); // set the local name regardless of what is set on ssh
auto connection = XDisplayConnection.get(); // connection

import std.stdio;
writeln(DisplayWidth(connection, 0), " x ", DisplayHeight(connection, 0)); // the 0 is the screen number

Though note with a multiple monitor system, this will give the *full* size of the virtual screen, not individual screens.

simpledisplay has methods for this..... but I marked it `private` and it only loads the data when a window is created... you COULD hack past this anyway but prolly not worth the hassle. Maybe I will make it public officially in the next release.

But if you are desperate for the info now, here's how you can bypass private and get at it anyway:

// use reflection to bypass `private`
alias MonitorInfo = __traits(getMember, arsd.simpledisplay.SimpleWindow, "MonitorInfo");

// make a temporary window just to get the info
auto window = new SimpleWindow(1, 1, null, OpenGlOptions.no, Resizability.fixedSize, WindowTypes.eventOnly);

// this is the function that actually loads the monitor info

// make sure none waiting in a buffer

// and now get the data out
foreach(monitor; MonitorInfo.info) {


But since you're bypassing private and poking internals, if/when I do decide to make this public instead of private, I'll probably break this approach (when it is public though you can just simply loop over the info).

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