On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 05:37:49 UTC, forkit wrote:

That's not at all what I said. You don't have to care about *when* memory is deallocated, meaning you don't have to manage it yourself.

In any case, I disagree that caring about when memory gets deallocted means you shouldn't be using GC. (or did I get that one wrong too??)

You can have the best of both worlds, surely (and easily).

This (example from first post):

void main(){
    int[] i = new int[10000];

    import object: destroy;
    import core.memory: GC;
    GC.free(GC.addrOf(cast(void *)(i.ptr)));

All you're doing here is putting unnecessary pressure on the GC. Just use `malloc` and then `free` on `scope(exit)`. Or if you want to append to the array without managing the memory yourself, then use `std.container.array` instead. That's made for deterministic memory management with no GC involvement.

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