On Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 20:53:21 UTC, Marvin Hannott wrote:
On Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 20:23:07 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 5/11/22 13:06, Marvin Hannott wrote:

> I appreciate the answer, don't much like the "solutions".

Me neither. :)

> It's not so much about copying


> scoped class objects should have value semantics.

std.typecons.scoped does exactly that:


import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

interface Animal {
  string sing();

class Cat : Animal {
  this() {

  ~this() {

  string sing() {
    return "mew";

void foo(Animal animal) {

void bar() {
  auto cat = scoped!Cat();

void main() {

The output:



Yeah, but you can't return `Cat` 😉. And the documentation for `scoped` says:
It's illegal to move a class instance even if you are sure there are no pointers to it. As such, it is illegal to move a scoped object.

That's kinda very limiting.

Anyway, I cooked up another idea based on your first suggestions.
struct S
    static private interface I
        int f(int i);

    static private final class A : I
        int f(int i) {return i;}

    static private final class B : I
        int f(int i) {return i+ 1;}

    private I i;
    private int d;

    this(int d)
        this.d = d;
        if(d < 10)
            i = scoped!A();
        }else {
            i = scoped!B();

    int f() { return i.f(d);}
I mean, this is a super dumb example, but it kinda works. And I think it could be made a lot less tedious with some mixin magic.

`scoped` is not necesary, try this:

import std.typecons;

    struct S{
        static private interface I{
            int f(int i)const;

        static private final class A : I{
static immutable typeof(this) instance = new immutable typeof(this)();

            int f(int i)const {return i;}

        static private final class B : I{
static immutable typeof(this) instance = new immutable typeof(this)();

            int f(int i)const {return i+ 1;}

        private immutable I i;
        private int d;

        this(int d){
            this.d = d;

            if(d < 10) i = A.instance;
            else i = B.instance;


        int f() { return i.f(d);}

    void main(){
        import std.stdio;
        S(1).f().writeln();  /// 1
        S(100).f().writeln(); /// 101


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