On Friday, 13 May 2022 at 11:58:15 UTC, zjh wrote:
On Friday, 13 May 2022 at 08:28:56 UTC, vit wrote:


this(DataSources dataSources){
    this.dataSources = dataSources;
return new MultiGraph!(staticMap!(PointerTarget, Ts))(ts);//ts

How is `ts` convert to `DataSources`?

`ts` have same type like `DataSources`:


import std.meta : staticMap, allSatisfy;
import std.traits : PointerTarget, isPointer;
import std.conv : to;

alias Pointer(T) = T*;

class MultiGraph(Ts...){        // Ts == (float, double, int)
alias DataSources = staticMap!(Pointer, Ts); // (float, double, int) -> (float*, double*, int*)

    DataSources dataSources;            // -> (float*, double*, int*)
    float[][DataSources.length] buffers;        // -> float[][3]

this(DataSources dataSources){ // dataSources == (float*, double*, int*)
        this.dataSources = dataSources;

    void onTick() {
        //grab datasource data and do something.
        foreach(enum i, alias d; dataSources)
            buffers[i] ~= to!float(*d); //or whatever

auto multiGraph(Ts...)(Ts ts)   // Ts == (float*, double*, int*)
if(allSatisfy!(isPointer, Ts)){ //all types in Ts are pointers
alias DataSources = staticMap!(PointerTarget, Ts); // (float*, double*, int*) -> (float, double, int)
    return new MultiGraph!(DataSources)(ts);

void main(){
    float myFloat;
    double myDouble;
    int myInteger;
    auto g = multiGraph(&myFloat, &myDouble, &myInteger);



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