On 23/05/2022 6:06 AM, Chris Piker wrote:
   1. Supporting gdc development and distribution.

Iain's workload should be decreasing now that it is using the up to date frontend. Rather than the older C++ version with backports that he has been maintaining.

My understanding is that he is fine as-is, and there isn't anything pressing on that front he needs help with.

   2. Testing common packages against gdc


The few things specific to GDC is stuff like inline assembly or targets that are either unsupported or not well supported.

  3. Updating dub so that it could assist with creating deb and yum packages

Packaging is something dub doesn't do right now, it is something that would be very nice to have.

   4. Having a standard GUI library (maybe).

If you have the many tens of millions to build it, sure.

There is a big difference between acceptable as third-party and good enough for standard library.

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