bearophile Wrote:

> A little quiz for people here: guess the output of this little D2 program (it 
> compiles correctly and doesn't crash at run time, so it's a fair question):
> import std.typecons: tuple;
> import std.c.stdio: printf;
> auto foo() {
>     printf("foo\n");
>     return tuple(1, 2);
> }
> void main() {
>     foreach (x; foo().tupleof)
>         printf("%d\n", x);
> }

Starting from main. As we are performing a foreach over a tuple this will need 
to happen at compilation. As their are many bugs with compile time foreach I 
would think this code evaluates to nothing and thus the program prints nothing.

However if that is working then I would expect foo() to be executed at 
compile-time which would mean 'foo' might be printed during compilation. As 
tupleof is supposed to return a type tuple, I'm unsure what gibberish printing 
it as a decimal would do.

The other likely possibility is that the foreach is unrolled into code like:

x = foo().tupleof[0]
x = foo().tupleof[1]

where .tupleof is some other fancy runtime thing. In this case you would get 


So yeah, from that code I have no idea what it is supposed to do. But I am not 
surprised by its behavior.

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