On 6/11/22 04:16, Salih Dincer wrote:

> I think D is very consistent with our feelings. That is, the order in
> memory is in the form of rows x columns.

Yet, there are no rows or columns because neither D nor C (nor C++) have multip-dimensional arrays. They all have arrays where elements are layed out in memory consecutively.

The type of the elements and what they represent is entilery up to the programmer.

> But yes, in reverse(column x
> row) when you set it up statically.

If you mean we can set up the memory in any way we want, I agree but again, since there are no mult-dimensional arrays, there cannot be the reverse of the order.

> This sample code working on pointers
> can be a proof:

If it's prooving that elemets are side-by-side, then it's by spec.

Here is an example where I have array where each element is a column:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;

void main() {
  // I decide that this array represents
  // Three rows of two columns.
  int[][] arr;
  arr.length = 2;
  foreach (ref column; arr) {
    column.length = 3;

  setFirstColumn(arr, 1);

void setFirstColumn(int[][] arr, int value) {
  // The first element is my first column.
  arr[0][] = value;

void printArray(int[][] arr) {
  // Because stdout takes line-by-line,
  // we print a transposition.
  arr.transposed.writefln!"%-(%-(%s %)\n%)";

You may think that the final transposition is a trick. No, it was needed only because stdout takes line-by-line. If I used a library like ncurses, I could have printed my array exactly the way I used it.

The point is, there are no multi-dimensional arrays. Programmers use arrays as they need and sometimes the elements are arrays.


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