On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 at 09:21:28 UTC, user1234 wrote:
On Tuesday, 14 June 2022 at 13:39:12 UTC, Andrey Zherikov wrote:
I have [pretty simple code in my library](https://github.com/andrey- [Line (2) produces](https://github.com/andrey-zherikov/argparse/runs/6880350900?check_suite_focus=true#step:5:12) `undefined reference to '_D3std7sumtype__T7SumTypeTS8argparse4help2AATSQtQm2BBZQBl6__dtorMFNaNbNiNfZv'` (it demangles to `pure nothrow @nogc @safe void std.sumtype.SumType!(argparse.help.AA, argparse.help.BB).SumType.__dtor()`)

If I comment line (2) then everything is good (no link errors). Note that there is the same code at (1) which doesn't produce any error. Any idea what's going on?

That can be a template instance that's emitted somewhere else, i.e the thing is there but the mangle is different. maybe try to find if the dtor is there with `mn -S` on each object.

Another thing to try in these situations is to see if that works with `-allinst`.

I tried to call dmd the same way as dub does with `-allinst` added to all calls. Got the same linker issue.

`nm` shows that `app.d` refers to dtor which is not defined in `.a`:
$ nm .../liball_argparse.a|egrep 'argparse.+dtor'
$ nm .../all_getting_started-basic.o|egrep 'argparse.+dtor'
U _D3std7sumtype__T7SumTypeTS8argparse4help2AATSQtQm2BBZQBl6__dtorMFNaNbNiNfZv

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