On Saturday, 18 June 2022 at 22:46:45 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
registeredClass.style = 32_769;

Don't use an integer like that, stick with bit wise ors.

LPCWSTR classname = toUTF16z(name);

GC owned memory, that could result in surprises.

const LPWSTR windowname = toUTF16z(title);


I'm not sure your window callback procedure is right.

For instance you are not calling DefWindowProc, and you are not handling WM_PAINT in any form.

But one other thing, your approach to the event loop is going to come back to bite you at some point. Windows is based around a push event loop model, not a pull like other system Windowing libraries (such as X11). It can get recursive. I learned this one the hard way.

Well, it seems like my window callback wasn't right. Now at least I get whiteness instead of nothing. This is going to be a long match.

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