On Wednesday, 22 June 2022 at 01:09:22 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 6/2/22 9:24 AM, bauss wrote:

I feel it's too loose to make a best effort, and leave the rest up to initial values, or just ignore possibly important information during parsing.


May be for your case Steve.

I need to represent in a "typed" way complex structures where some properties can be "undefined" (not present in json) and where null value is a valid value (and not the same that "undefined" ones)... basically, the algebraic type Undefined | Null | T

It isinefficient in memory terms (because D offers only "structs", not the Typescript object equivalent where properties accepts to be not present nativelly as part of the type definition)

But it is, in my opinion, a needed feature: What if you want to "patch" an entity or query an entity requiring only some of the properties?... I don't want to build results using Json objects... D is typed language and results should be built in a rich typed structure (like: {id:"1324123", name:"peter", age:18} or {id:"1234123", age:18 } **validated by compiler**.

When implementing rich REST services (with some complexity), undefined native management is a must (and not the same than null management).

I am currently using vibe-d json and the way it manages @optional forces me to write custom serialization for all entities (to properly manage undefined vs null)... it is anoying!!!

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