
Because an empty string is, by default, represented by an empty slice of the null pointer.

I don't program in D. I just read from time to time posts in the D forum because of the good quality of what people write. So, I'm not proficient in D, but in general internals should not boil up to the surface.

In my experience null and empty in DTOs usually play the same logical role.
Oh, oh ...

IIRC someone wrote a master thesis about the different roles for null values in databases >and came up with many different null situations (was it five?).
Oh, oh, oh ...

I once worked on a system where some little robot running on a track picked up material in carriers from some machine and then brought it to the next machine. If the destination of a carrier was set to null, it implied that the destination was currently undefined. Then the robot brought the carrier to some rack where it was put aside for a while till the planning system had created a new production plan. The number of null pointer exceptions we had to fix because auf this was countless. Never make null imply some meaning ...

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