On Monday, 1 August 2022 at 14:15:31 UTC, pascal111 wrote:
We all know the strange syntax of lambda function within filter algorithm like "auto r = chain(a, b).filter!(a => a > 0);".

TBH I don't find lambda syntax strange - it's pretty nice and there are two forms (unlike in C++): short one (`a => a > 0`) and long one (`(a) { return a > 0; }`).

Compare to C++ lambda syntax: `[](auto a) { return a > 0; }`

My note is, don't we break D rules by leaving ";" after lambda function syntax?!

There is no breakage: `a => a > 0` in this example is a (template) parameter to `filter` function. You can rewrite it in different ways, like: `filter!((a) { return a > 0; })` or

alias criteria = (a) { return a > 0; };
auto r = chain(a, b).filter!criteria;

or even longer:

auto criteria(T)(T a)
    return a > 0;

auto r = chain(a, b).filter!criteria;

Many of D rules are taken from C, we know that, so a general basic rule is to put ";" after each statement

I think this is more or less correct but I personally like that I don't need to put ";" after definition of a class or struct unlike in C.

so the previous statement of filter should be "auto r = chain(a, b).filter!(a => a > 0;);"? Why D leaves ";" in this case?

No. it should not. The statement here is `auto r = chain(a, b).filter!(a => a > 0);`, not `a => a > 0`. If you use longer version of lambda syntax then yes, you'll see ";" there: `auto r = chain(a, b).filter!((a) { return a > 0; });` but ";" is not after lambda function, it's inside because you have `{...}` function body (which, I believe, is defined as a sequence of statements so you have ";" there).

Again, both `a => a > 0` and `(a) { return a > 0; }` are just parameters to `filter` function. Parameters are not terminated with ";". This is the same as in C - you are not adding ";" after function parameter:
auto is_even = [](int i){ return i%2 == 0; };
auto result = std::find(..., ..., is_even);

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